Thursday, December 9, 2010

Senator Tom Harkin

One Democratic Senators views on the Bush Tax cuts. Here, what I found most interesting was the word "Hostage". This is a serious word, and it was used in the form of politics. This is terminology that shreds any dream bubble one may have of a bi-partisan movement, effort or perspective within Washington. This not only sounds bells of a reacquiring problem that the current Administration, and Obama specifically, has dealt with these past two years. Additionally, there are also signals of stress, and  even the possible inability of the Democratic caucus to hold the line. The first bell is the "sales" of the Democratic accomplishments that are historic in nature. The second bell rings loud with the politics of the Republican party out maneuvering the Democrats in the recent lame duck session:
This brings me to my point on the hostile atmosphere between party's right now, that is spilling over to a public that doesn't know or care where to aim their arrows. The public and political rhetoric of the country is changing, emphasized by the TEA Party movement. The national deficit is looming among a unstable global economy. The recession and the methods to fix it seem intangible. The domestic unemployment, and more notably the unemployment of persons with a Bachelors degree or higher has increased with the latest figures. This all alongside a "war of choice" as Tom Harkin puts it, playing on a chess board where foreign players are becoming more aggressive. These figures give no hope, no optimism, these are facts of the day. In times like these, many of which are more frequent throughout time than one would desire, a common goal, a similar and positive rhetoric, a sacrifice among political agendas on both sides is essential for stabilization. This is not the time for political "Hostage" or backyard playschool tricks. This is a time that not only a Nation needs to have a omniscient purpose (and agreement on engaging it), but the worlds Nations as well. The U.S.A., as the still top but not prospicient power with it's (and China's) current direction, needs to pave the way for a more euphoric and prosperous future. Here is one side of the "Washington Coin" that I think explains the attitude of the politicians as well as the people in their frustration to get along on issues and solutions.My thoughts are that in a totally political world, where as Sen. Harkin explains (& where he too is a Political machine and should not be believed or praised without question), when one side on the issue threatens the life of another, separate issue over the progress of one being discussed, progress is dead. I don't believe there is a specific individual or group to blame. Although, it is a crisis, there does need to be some plays under pressure right now. There is so much fighting between teams that the game, and the fans are being hurt. Sometimes, I believe, that people don't believe in history to tell an unbiased story, but history is not Political. And the sustainability of our Politics today, is history tomorrow. My predicted tomorrow holds themes of no change, recurring mistakes, and continuous political stagnation. With this model, at best, were in the same boat, and were praying on it to hold up to treacherous seas, as the visibility of the horizon seems further and further away. How long will it take for us to stop all frantically scooping out the water, before at least one of us starts mending the holes in the boat???

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