Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Hand Faster Than the Eye?

Nowadays, the same as yesterday, the perception of technology, and magic tricks, forces masses of people to question what they see, or, to blindly believe what they see. This has always been. The difference now is in part that the masses are bigger, and the scientists, as well as the magicians who mask them with smoke, are working faster, harder, and smarter than ever before. We don't have many forms of honestly reliable mass media. This creates a confused public where no one has enough spare time in the day, or the month rather, to validate the information, or even the source of the "knowledge" that every individual is bombarded with on a casual day. The solution is this, listen closely, someone has to find a solution for it! A very political solution indeed. I can't be here to offer cure all treatments to these complicated issues, but I do have the resources of point out some of the bleeding. This is all that I have for today's comment on a survey that someone found, which I then found, and I'm hope your glad that you found it here. I encourage you to fallow the links, especially the first which is a short article on the matter of sampling error for the fallowing graph that was used in the Wall Street Journal, "California's Distructive Green Jobs Lobby" where in it reads, "Co-sponsoring a disgraceful bill introduced in September to force utilities to expand their use of "renewable energy" to 15% by 2021 are Republican Sens. Sam Brownback and Susan Collins. Republican politicians are apparently lower in climate skepticism than readers of Scientific American, which recently discovered to its horror that some 80% of its subscribers, mostly American scientists, reject man-made global warming catastrophe fears. as evidence against climate change." Here are more facts. Graph

This from "How One Online Global Warming Poll Could Influence US Policy" at The Freedomist. It explains what sources the samples came from, and why the data is skewed as a result. I have also Included is the The Finnish Environment 644 which is a document found in the IPCC's database that states that "In its Third Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
concluded that the global average surface air temperature has increased by 0.6 ±
0.2 °C during the 20th century, which is likely to be the largest rise of any century
during the past 1000 years (IPCC, 2001a). Moreover, it presented convincing new
evidence that most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is attributable
to increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations." On p.7 the first paragraph of the Introduction.
Apparently, the hand, and the mouth, are faster than the eye.

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